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iOS Guide

Development build

To create a development build,

  1. Follow the quickstart guide to create a new app with the app builder and install all the dependencies
  2. Run npm start in the project root. This will launch the CLI
  3. Select Build in the main menu
  4. Select iOS in the platforms menu
  5. Select Development in the build menu
  6. Xcode will now launch with your app
  7. Select your project in the Xcode project navigator
  8. Type in a bundle id and build number for your project
  9. To configure automatic signing,
    1. Navigate to signing and capabilities
    2. Select your signing team
  10. Select your device on the top bar and press build
  11. This will launch the development edition of the application on your iOS device

Production build with code signing

To create a production build,

  1. Follow the quickstart guide to create a new app with the app builder and install all the dependencies
  2. Run npm start in the project root. This will launch the CLI
  3. Select Build in the main menu
  4. Select iOS in the platforms menu
  5. Select Production in the build menu
  6. Xcode will now launch with your app
  7. Select your project in the Xcode project navigator
  8. Type in a bundle id and build number for your project
  9. To configure automatic signing,
    1. Navigate to signing and capabilities
    2. Select your signing team
  10. To enable deep links,
    1. Set up the web deployment according to this guide
    2. Navigate to Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources and select <PRODUCT_ID>.entitlements
  11. Select the connected iOS device on the top panel
  12. Select Product > Archive. This will create a new distributable archive
  13. Select Window > Organizer. You should see all your archives listed here
  14. Select Distribute app > App Store Connect to start the export wizard for testflight